Landscape Maintenance-old

New Maintenance Contracts for Twin Waters

Sunshine Coast Council has announced the appointment of new interim contractors to provide maintenance for the public areas within Twin Waters.  The interim contract has been awarded to The Maintenance Company, a Sunshine Coast based maintenance company with extensive contracts on the whole of the Coast.At a meeting with Twin Waters Residents Association Maintenance Committee, the Council advised that the contract with previous contractor had come to an end.  Council had praised the work of many of the Prime staff, the work they had done and the friendly manner with which they interacted with the Twin Waters community.The Interim Contractor commences work in Twin Waters on Tuesday 1st August and will continue while the tender process is underway. The new tender will be advertised in the near future to seek tender submissions from appropriate businesses which would be prepared to comply with the maintenance and reporting provisions. It is expected the new long term contract will be finalised over the coming months.The Maintenance Company vehicles will be seen in all parts of Twin Waters as their staff providing lawn, garden and bush care in all the public areas of Twin Waters.

Give the new staff a friendly Twin Waters wave and make them feel welcome in our wonderful community.

Landscape Maintenance - A Brief History and Further Information

Twin Waters was designed and constructed with many parks and gardens which were kept in immaculate condition during the selling period by the developer. Members of the TWRA were concerned that when the maintenance was handed over to Council that the standard would fall off and after extensive consultations and negotiations with the Community and Council a Charter was signed with the Council providing for a Benefit Levy to be introduced which would allow a higher standard of maintenance to be carried out in our suburb.  (If you would like to read about the history of establishing our unique landscape maintenance arrangements, please follow the link Read More)

The maintenance is carried out by the Council calling tenders from Contractors on a 2-3 year basis. The specification and schedule of work is prepared and supervised by Council with the Twin Waters Maintenance Reference Group meeting with them and reviewing performance and any issues that may arise on a regular basis. The funds are raised from a Special Benefit Levy which is included in our rates (For the 2014 / 2015 financial year, the Special Benefit Levy is $115 per property). This Levy must by law be used on maintenance work within Twin Waters.

The success of this arrangement can be seen by the way our parks and gardens are maintained. Other Master Planned Communities have followed our lead and adopted similar schemes.

We have a special relationship with Council and if you wish to report any maintenance item that you believe requires attention you should firstly ring the Council at their Call Centre 5475 7272. They will give you a reference number and attend to your concern. If you do not get a response in a reasonable time you should email your concern to the TWRA and it will be passed on to the relevant Landscape Maintenance Representative.

The lake and canals in Twin Waters are the centre piece of our beautiful suburb and like our parks and gardens need to be nurtured and looked after by all residents.

Boating is restricted to sail boats and motorised craft with a maximum speed of 4 mph to prevent wash from damaging revetment walls that are the residents responsibility.

Fishing is allowed and while swimming is permitted, sharks have been sighted in the waterways.

Care should be taken by all residents that pollutants and rubbish are not allowed to enter into the water.

The Council have prepared a Canal Residents Handbook for Artificial Waterways that may be obtained by ringing the Councils’ Call Centre 5475 7272.

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