TWRA Committee

The 2023 Committee is comprised of the following members, who bring diverse interests and experience to work together, as volunteers, to make Twin Waters the wonderful community that it is:

The Executive:

The TWRA is led by a three member Executive consisting of the President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Life Member

Sophie Lever

SOPHIE has lived on the Sunshine Coast since 1994 and spent 14 years as dedicated Secretary of the TWRA. A longstanding businesswoman, her substantial solicitor practice is located in Twin Waters. Sophie also holds a Surf Life Saving Bronze Medallion and has been awarded a Commendation for Brave Conduct by the Australian Government. In 2018, the TWRA awarded Sophie Life Membership in appreciation of her continuing support.

Emilia White

EMILIA moved from Melbourne in 2019 having spent many wonderful holidays here, with husband, Chris. Now with a house backing onto the golf course, Chris is living the dream, while Emilia also learns to hit that little white ball! In 2021, Emilia edited the TWRA newsletter. She finds the Twin Waters community very friendly, loves working as part of a team and meeting new people.

Nathan Dadds

NATHAN became a Twin Waters resident in 2021 after holidaying in the area for many years. Recently retired, he worked as an accountant with the Brisbane City Council for over 30 years. He enjoys all sports, is a keen golfer and a regular fixture on the Twin Waters course. Most days you’ll see Nathan walking around Twin Waters with his wife Carol and their two large dogs, Maverick and Shadow.

The Committee:

Michael and Karen Stapelfeldt

Moved up from Melbourne 2 years after spending numerous family holidays and honeymoon on the Sunshine Coast. When looking for a place to settle we loved the friendly, relaxed atmosphere of Twin Waters. We are wanting to help ensure any new development in Twin Waters West reflects all the best attributes of our community. Michael is a member of Twin Waters Golf Club and we enjoy walking and cycling around our area.

Life Member

Geoff Billard

GEOFF and his wife, Jocelyn, bought their piece of Twin Waters back in the first land release in 1997. He is a Life TWRA Member and former President between 2007 – 2011. He was responsible for the unique Twin Waters Landscape Maintenance arrangements before developer, Lend Lease left in 2005. Geoff drove the defeat of the original Twin Waters West development proposal and the 2018 Town Plan amendment requiring any future Twin Waters West development be “equal to or better than the existing Twin Waters”. He also guides the association newsletter and website.

Christine Bormann

CHRISTINE moved from Melbourne to the Sunshine Coast in 2019 to transition into retirement. Christine loves the lifestyle, weather and beautiful surrounds of Twin Waters especially the community atmosphere. Her keen interests are gardening, walking, cooking & photography. Christine loves entertaining with friends while sipping a good white wine. She joined the TWRA to support and represent the local community.

Derek Brown

DEREK and wife Jan arrived in Twin Waters in mid-2019, following retirement after 41 years with an international oil and gas company. Originally a geologist Derek later moved into project and commercial management roles. He and Jan love the peace and quality of Twin Waters and enjoy walks and cycling. Committed to maintaining that quality, Derek serves on the TWRA Maintenance Committee and is a prominent organizer of the TWRA Gardening Competition.

Life Member

Tony Freeman

TONY and wife Marilyn retired to Twin Waters in 2014, after a successful life in Sydney and Brisbane advertising and marketing. A TWRA President between
2018 – 2022, Tony has also been four times Rotary President and member of the Alexandra Headland club. He is a Life Member of the Samford Chamber of Commerce and remains enthusiastic about serving on the committee, where he chairs the Maintenance Committee.

Mark Hamlyn

MARK has edited the TWRA newsletter since 2022. His working life was spent in media, as a journalist, TV producer and later executive. He plays bad golf, but is a better typist, although not as good as wife/partner Margaret. He is also a keen lap swimmer, photographer, and occasional scuba diver. He thinks Twin Waters is the ‘jewel of the Sunny Coast’ and values how TWRA committee work connects him to the community.

Colin Legg

COLIN, his wife Helen and adorable cavoodle Jessie, moved to Twin Waters in March 2021 after buying their house, sight unseen, following an extended holiday on the Sunshine Coast during the covid restrictions in Melbourne, their home for many years.

Both Kiwis, Colin came across the ditch in 1971 and Helen in 2006. “I am a builder who has worked for myself for most of my working life. When I met Helen, we expanded our business to include property inspections. These days we enjoy gardening, the great lifestyle of Twin Waters, mosaics and crochet.” Colin is also on the board of the Mudjimba RSL sub-branch and member of the Functions Standing Committee.

Kevin Lyons

KEVIN is a former TWRA Vice President arriving in Twin Waters in 2004 with wife Margie. Kevin represents TWRA on the Sunshine Coast Airport Community & Aviation Forum, having spent most of his career in tourism, before retiring in 2015. A keen golfer and member of the Twin Waters Golf Club, Kevin also organizes the TWRA Golf Days and Popular Cocktail Parties. He loves the district’s lakes and walking paths, as well as the local social life.

Sue Smith

SUE moved to Twin Waters in 2020 with her husband Greg after leaving home in Brisbane for a 3-year sea change in Cairns. They found Twin Waters a little by accident and are very pleased they did. A perfect place to meet new friends and their 3 children and old friends love to visit. Her In-laws loved the area so much they left Brisbane to join them. Sue continues to work as an Occupational Therapist and is looking forward to being an active member of the TWRA to become more engaged in the community. Sue has played 4 games of golf in her life and has committed to giving the game a chance!


Elections for positions on the Management Committee are held at the Annual General Meeting. Positions available are President, Secretary, Treasurer and such other positions as the meeting, or subsequent general meetings, may appoint. To assist the Association achieve its goals various sub-committees, coordinators and ad hoc groups are appointed to activities such as landscape maintenance, facilitation of social events and minimising harmful impacts that may arise from nearby road and property development. There are always opportunities for members to participate in voluntary activities.

The members of the TWRA Committee were confirmed at the Association's Annual General Meeting held at Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort on 14 August, 2023 at 7.30pm. The AGM is part of the General Meeting held every two months and is open to the public, whether TWRA members or not.

Committee members serve for 12 months, until the next Annual General Meeting in August 2024.

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