Newsletter Editor

Dear Members

We are thinking ahead to next year when Mark Hamlyn has indicated that he will be stepping down as Newsletter Editor so that he can travel in 2024.  Planning now will enable the next editor to work with Mark over the next few months to “learn the ropes” and tap in to his network of people who feed information into our monthly Newsletter.

Is the Newsletter something that you would like to do to contribute to our wonderful Twin Waters community?  Everyone will be different but the editor would need to be comfortable with words and stories and aware of what is happening around us in our community.  Of course, there is a lot of support from me and the Committee but your ideas and energy will also be important.  Previous experience in a PR type role would help, but is not essential.  Interest and enthusiasm are the keys to success for our Newsletter.

If you would like to volunteer, then we would love to hear from you.  Please let me know as soon as possible and we can have a chat about what we are looking for.  Mark would also be very willing to assist.  The role would begin from the February 2024 Newsletter, which would be compiled in the second half of January.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sophie Lever,
Twin Waters Residents’ Association Inc.
Email:  [email protected]

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