Breaking News

Good morning TWRA Members

The developer who owns the Twin Waters West site, Stockland, have contacted the TWRA to let us know, as a courtesy, that a Development Application has been lodged with Council today.  The information is currently being uploaded to Council’s website.    We are told that the application is a preliminary one, which is largely conceptual in nature and attempts to replicate the character of the existing Twin Waters in terms of density and that it will comply with the Town Plan in all respects.  The new application will also address Stockland’s shortcomings (as viewed by the Environment & Planning Court and some other stakeholders) so far as the protection of the existing wetlands is concerned.

We will let you know when the information has been uploaded to Council’s website so that you can view the information for yourselves, and will also let you know how you can comment on the application.

Sophie Lever,
Twin Waters Residents’ Association Inc.
Email:  [email protected]

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