Newsletter & General Meeting Agenda

Newsletter & General Meeting Agenda

Read all about it!

Good afternoon Members,


Our newsletter is currently at the printers and should be in your letterboxes soon.  Attached is the soft copy if you want to have a sneak peak.

There is a reference in our newsletter to Virgin honouring flights lost due to the Bonza closure.   There are only a few routes that Virgin have that overlap with Bonza and we believe they were stepping in to assist stranded passengers only.  The information regarding Jetstar and Qantas is correct.

General Meeting – special guest Mayor Rosanna Natoli

Also, a reminder that our General Meeting is coming up in just over a week.  Mayor Rosanna Natoli has agreed to attend which is quite a coup for us!  Of course, our new Division 8 Councilor, Taylor Bunnag will also be in attendance to answer any of your Division 8 questions.  Our Agenda is also attached


Sophie Lever,
Twin Waters Residents’ Association Inc.
Email:  [email protected]


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