
Coin Found

Coin Found Is it yours? Good afternoon Members, A member has written to us advising that they found what looks like a special commemorative WWII coin, near the Gazebo in Moorings Circuit Park a few days ago. The finder would really like to locate the owner as it probably is a sentimental item. If it […]

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Cocktail Party

Cocktail Party Last Chance! Hi Members Last chance for tickets to the cocktail party at the Loose Goose Restaurant on Sunday the 19th May from 6.00 pm till late. The cost is $75.00 per person and for this you will enjoy a range of delicious canapés and a selection of drinks including red and white

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Crime Forum

Those of you who attended our last General Meeting expressed concern as to the amount of criminal activity in Twin Waters at present.   Our Member for Maroochydore, Fiona Simpson, suggested a forum where we could meet with members of Queensland Police to discuss concerns. Fiona has arranged for a member of the Coolum Police

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May Newsletter

May Newsletter and in record time! Hi Members The May newsletter is out now.  Expect it in your mailboxes shortly.  You can read the digital version here. I have to also comment on the article regarding our local Foodworks store – if you haven’t tried their meat and smallgoods selection yet, it is top notch

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Cocktail Party

Cocktail Party Tickets selling quickly! Hi Members A reminder to you all that our cocktail party is being held at the Loose Goose Restaurant on Sunday the 19th May from 6.00 pm till late. The cost is $75.00 per person and for this you will enjoy a range of delicious canapés and a selection of

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Anzac Day

Anzac Day Details for ceremonies Hi Members A note as to the upcoming Anzac Day services at our local Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch. The Mudjimba RSL Sub Branch will again conduct its ever-popular Anzac Day Dawn Service, Veteran March and Community Service on Thursday 25th April. Everyone is invited to attend these events at the

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Found Glasses

Found Glasses Are you missing yours? Hi members! A pair of prescription glasses were just found on Ocean Drive at Twin Waters.  Have a look at our Facebook page for the photograph.  Please drop us a line if they are yours. Regards, Sophie Lever,President,Twin Waters Residents’ Association Inc.Email:  [email protected]: 

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April Newsletter

April Newsletter Out Now! Hi Members The April newsletter is out now.  Expect it in your mailboxes shortly.  You can read the digital version here. Don’t forget the General Meeting this evening at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort at 7.30pm.  Our guest speaker is Josh Sondergeld from Stockland and we’ll have our new Division 8

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Trivia Night

Trivia Night Brought to you by North Shore Community Centre & Maroochy North Shore Lions Hi Members The Maroochy North Shore Lions Club is combining with the North Shore Community Centre to fund-raise for both organisations. A Trivia Night is being held at the NSCC on Saturday, 18th May at 7-30pm.  The link to the

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Break Ins

Break Ins Two reports Hi Members There were two more break-ins in Twin Waters in the early hours of this morning. One on Karinya Island where 4 males found entry to a home through a window which was ajar.  The owner chased the intruders away and nothing was stolen.  In this case the intruders firstly

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