Community Notices

Christmas in July

Christmas in July Only a few tickets left! Hi Members 100 of our residents have bought tickets to Christmas in July celebrations being held Sunday week (28th July) at the Loose Goose from 12pm. There are only 30 tickets remaining. We need final numbers soon, so if you are thinking of coming along, now is

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TWRA Golf Day

TWRA Golf Day Coming Soon! Good afternoon Members TWIN WATERS RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION GOLF DAY 2024 It is that time of year again to register for the best golf day on the calendar. The 2024 TWRA Golf Day will be held at Twin Waters Golf Club on Sunday the 15th September 2024. This year will be

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Newsletter Read all about it! Good afternoon Members, Newsletter Our newsletter is currently at the printers and should be in your letterboxes soon.  You can see the soft copy here. Safety Forum & Update from Neighbourhood Watch. Following on from our recent Safety Forum and the Police security hints, our local Neighbourhood Watch is also warning

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Committee Nominations

Committee Nominations Closing 4th July 2024! Good afternoon Members As you know, our Annual General Meeting is fast approaching and will be held on Monday 5th August 2024 at 7.30pm at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort. At that meeting our new committee will be voted in. If you have thought about volunteering to help make

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Christmas in July

Christmas in July Tickets selling fast! Hi Members A reminder that it’s that time of year to dust off your special Christmas jumpers and festive wear for our Christmas in July celebrations on the 28th July from 12 noon at the Loose Goose.. Lydia Kirn of Lydia Kirn Real Estate has kindly volunteered her time

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Christmas in July

Christmas in July Bookings Open! Hi Members It’s that time of year to dust off your special Christmas jumpers and festive wear for our Christmas in July celebrations! Lydia Kirn of Lydia Kirn Real Estate has kindly volunteered her time to assist the TWRA to organise this event again. All details are in the attached

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Have Your Say

Sunshine Coast Community    Strategy Refresh The Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019–41 is one of Council’s three regional strategies. Adopted in 2019 the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041, and supporting Action Plan 2019-2024 provide the framework for how Council and community will work together to advance our shared goal of a strong community. In 2023,

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