
Amanda Meredith

Committee Member My family and I arrived in Twin Waters in 2013 after many of years of owning & operating a farm,  based in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Seeking a water change we quickly settled our lives purchasing our first home within this gorgeous community and delighted in the friendly, interesting people we met on […]

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Mary-Helen Boag

Mary-Helen Boag Treasurer Mary-Helen and her husband David emigrated from Scotland in 1982 and set up home in Melbourne.  After a couple of moves to North East Victoria (Wangaratta & Rutherglen) and many holidays to the Sunshine Coast, they stumbled across Twin Waters in August 2015, after a walk on the North Shore beach with

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Rob Ruskin

ROB has been a committed TWRA member since 2011 and President between 2015 – 2017, following retirement from a career in New Zealand and Australia across the newspaper and printing industries. Rob has served on committees for major TWRA events, such as Christmas Carols and the Birthday celebrations in Lakeview Park. He enjoys golf, good

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Ed Berry

Vice-President – Social Since buying their land in 1997 and moving from Maroochydore in 2000, when Ed retired from teaching, the Berry’s have been involved in the Community. Ed was T.W.R.A. Secretary from 2001 to 2008 and then became Vice President. During his time as Secretary he wrote and delivered personally 100 editions of Newsletters

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Peter Braithwaite

Committee Member Peter has previously been President of TWRA. He held the position for four years and is the longest serving president in the history of the TWRA. Peter was made a Life Member of the TWRA when he stepped down from the position of President at the AGM in August 2015. He has lived

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Liz Hope

Committee Member Liz is a long term resident of the North Shore area, first locating to Mudjimba in 1995. Liz has enjoyed an exciting career in the hospitality industry, including a role as the Restaurant Hostess at the Ritz Hotel in London, and a number of years living and working on the heritage listed Lord

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Joanne Reilly

Committee Member Joanne has been a resident of Twin Waters since 2006 and has been a member of the TWRA for that period of time. Joanne decided to join the Committee in 2013 so she could help make a difference in this great community. Joanne has a background in Executive Management in Information Technology in

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Max Mills

MAX has been a member of the Management Committee since 2010, soon after his retirement from a career in Automotive Engineering. He has been an active member of the Maintenance Committee ensuring the upkeep of Twin Waters public areas. He also liaised with original developer Lend Lease when Twin Waters lake was transferred to Sunshine

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Kerryn Vincart

Treasurer Kerryn moved to Twin Waters in 2013 and is born and bred on the Sunshine Coast. Along with husband Lou, Kerryn is a proud resident and loves the Twin Waters community. Being so close to the beach and taking morning walks with their dog Millie is the daily lifestyle reminder of what makes this

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Ken Vaughn

Committee Member Ken has been a committee member of TWRA since moving to Twin Waters in 2008.  He and his wife, Eileen moved from Sydney in 2003, initially settling in Dulong.  Ken, a retired Structural Engineer, spent the last 15 years of his career, as a partner of an international executive search consultancy.  He is

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